Unique Escort Card Ideas

We were hoping this photo would have gotten into New Jersey Bride magazine along with the other photos from Jenna and Tylers wedding. One of the advantages of having a wedding planner is having access to their creativity. My own personal challenge is coming up with unique ways for our brides to display their escort cards. This was especially challenging for Jenna's wedding since we had only 48 hours to plan thanks to Hurricaine Hanna. The one thing Jenna wanted after all her plans were cancelled was not to have her escort cards on a table like everyone else has. We did not want to dissapoint her. We had become so close to her after working together for nine months. We were devastated that her garden wedding had to be cancelled due to weather after all the time and effort we had all put into it. Somehow, while wandering around the craft store, with very little money and even less time, we came up with bird houses and ribbons. My husband, the dentist, drilled, my son painted and the result is the picture above. Jenna loved it. Try something different, you will love it. Photo by Jacqueline Pfeffer Photography

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